Sunday, May 15, 2011

Judgement Day - May 21st 2011 (What a laugh)

Last JudgmentImage by JoetheLion via Flickr
How many times have we heard about the end of the world? Year 2k was meant to be the end of the world and yet here we are, predicting another end of the world.

*Fair warning to all sinners: Repent as you will be judged next weekend!!*

People seem to have a lot of time on hand from the looks of it. And boy are they shameless. They are proven wrong and still they will give you that sheepish smile, think up some lame-ass excuse for the world still rotating like it did the day before and then go back into their tower of thought and cook up another theory, twist around a few more verses from the "Holy" Bible and announce a new date for "Armageddon"

So May 21st 2001 is judgement day. And those of us that haven't worked to earn "God's" favor, well, we don't really have to worry for a few more months. The rest that have been God's children will well be blanketed in their maker's arms and taken to wherever it is they've been promised to be taken to !!

And then on October 21st 2011, earth as we know it will be consumed by fire (i think its fire). So us sinners really gotta worry about October 21st. That'll be our end! LOL

And here's the thing, they've really spent some time with this. I guess from the year 2000, they worked at this. So let me quote a few things from a website I was reading.

Timing of Important Events in History (as per the church)
11013 BC - Creation. God created the world and man (Adam & Eve)
4990 BC - The flood of Noah's day. All perished in a worldwide flood, Noah & family and the animal's survived ofcourse. (6023 years from creation.)
7 BC - The year Christ was born. (11006 years from creation)
33 AD - The year Christ was crucified and the church age began. (11045 years from creation and 5023 calendar years from the flood)
1988 AD - This year ended the church age and began the great tribulation period of 23 years (13000 yrs from creation)
1994 AD - On Sept 7th, the first 2300-day period of the great tribulation came to an end (13006 yrs from creation)
2011 AD - May 21st judgement day will begin and the rapture (i.e., the taking up into heaven of God's elect people) will occur at the end of the 23-yr great tribulation. On October 21st, the world will be destroyed by fire. (7000 years from the flood & 13023 years from creation).

* Did you notice how the year 2000 prediction is omitted

Its where I got that time line from. Reason I'm directing you to it is you'll see how much time these people have spent on this. The one good thing is you don't really have to waste time sitting down and reading it, you can play the audio, which will read the text for you. So you can take a dump while listening to this crap.

Now another website gives out facts (one would think they are trying really hard to convince us about the end of the world). So lets take a look at the facts.

  • So someone had to come up with this idea of Armageddon right? In this case all blame rests on Harold Camping of Family Radio. He first predicted the end of the world in 1994, when that didn't happen, he pushed the date ahead to 2011. So when next?
  • We already discussed what is gonna happen. Just to remind you (incase you phased out like i did a few times while writing out this post) god will take his chosen people up to heaven or wherever (i think they've been promised a new Jerusalem or something). Then 5 months later, he will burn the rest.
  • Why is God doing this? He wants to show us his power. So basically, we have a God that has temper tantrums. Actually no its not a tantrum is it, this is pre-planned, so he must be one hell of a ...... *nevermind*
Now like all of this isn't enough there's another group that argue's that Harold is wrong in his calculation (ya think?!?) they believe that Judgement Day is in Dec 2012!! Well atleast Nostradamus has a few correct predictions in his kitty, so well I might spend a moment to ponder his prediction, but this Harold guy really needs to get a life.

Oh and by the way, your pets aren't joining you when (and if) you get carried away by Jesus. I'm glad I'm an atheist, I'd hate to leave Whiskey behind to burn in October!

To the believers I'll ask you this, why do you believe in a god you've never seen and in most likelihood never will. Why can't you spend that time being nice to the humans and animals around you. Because I can tell you, more than half of you people that call yourselves believers don't give a shit about other people's feelings, you don't respect another humans right to choices and you can't be bothered to love an animal. You will gladly turn a blind eye to that homeless you walked past on the streets and then walk around preaching about your God!

Well, now to answer the biggest question....why am I reading all this crap. The answer is quite simple really. I am bored! lol

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