Saturday, December 18, 2010

Humanity V/s Politics & Religion

I'm not particularly a religious person and before you ask, no i'm not a complete atheist either. I'm what you call a "agnostic". More importantly I don't much care for politics either.Yes I agree that some think its important to know and participate in if we want to see a better India, nevertheless I don't much give a shit.

However, there are times when a certain instance might catch my attention long enough for me to form an opinion and even discuss it. My latest obsession has been with Rahul Gandhi (and no I don't think he's delicious for a politician). He's made some real controversial statements, and thats causing a stir. For example when he said "Maharashtra is being run by Bihari's". Now thats a pretty lame statement for a politician to make. When did we start placing emphasis on Maharashtrian's and Bihari's before Indian?

His latest slip-up comes in the form of making a statement in front of a foreign ambassador, where he is heard quoting that "the Hindu Extremist Groups are more dangerous than the Laskar-e-Toiba". Is the man planning a riot within the country. Makes one wonder if the latest congress gimmick to keep their government is that.

In any event, that particular comment made by him (in error or not, no one can say) is worth pondering over. We do keep focusing our energies on the terrorist groups and rightfully so. However aren't our over zealous religious leaders eating away at the country from within. People have commented so far as to ask whether there has been bloodshed in the name of religion. How easily we Indians forget???? We call our forgetful nature our resilience. Bullshit I say.

Now don't get me wrong. I do not for one moment say that one should run around holding a grudge (i think we hold enough grudge as it is). What I'm saying is that when someone is bold enough to be able to see and speak of the termites within the soceity, we should use that as a wake up call. Instead we sit around protecting the interests of those blamed. The Laskar-e-Toiba, their basis for terrorism is religion isn't it? I believe it is. So what exactly are the Hindu Extremist group doing? I don't see them as baby cradling sweet do-gooders either. So the comparison is there. We just don't want to admit it, because that would mean admitting that we have a leak in our belief.

I wonder when the country will start thinking of themselves and others as humans instead of categorising people by their religion.

Anycase I needed to get my thoughts out and I've done that. It won't make an ounce of difference but then again, I wasn't aiming at that, was I? ;-)


  1. That kind of clear thinking and speaking is what's needed, but it's never going to happen. We are beat simply by numbers, we have a huge case of Mass Psychology and it doesn't get better.

    Because we are such a huge country with over a billion people, and they feel more comfortable in small groups, they try to find familiarity and commonness based on language, religion, region, anything just not Indianness.
    Oh, well!

  2. I totally agree....the saying that it takes one person to start a revolution might be true, but when its one person in a billion, the odds are not quite in the favor of that one person.

    Then again, one can't just bottle up everything and an outlet is needed even if it is just on one's blog!
