Sunday, November 7, 2010

Diwali - Festival of Lights OR Festival of Pollution?!?!

I've been complaining these past 3 days about the heat in the city and also the sounds of the firecrackers. And then I got people trying to justify their bursting them crackers. Figured I'll put down the points as to why I don't like crackers, and maybe just maybe you people who like crackers so much will see that there are better ways to spend a Diwali than making people's life miserable.

Reasons I hate firecrackers:
  1. The sounds are too loud, enough to make to temporarily incapable of hearing.
  2. The pollution caused by these crackers is enough to make the atmosphere go from a pleasant chill to scorching hot.
  3. People burst these crackers at anytime that they feel like doing so. Late into the night, 1am 2am doesn't matter to them. Some people work/study and need to sleep!
  4. Diwali is long gone, but since we bought crackers worth tens of thousands we'll keep bursting them as long as it takes to finish them...who the fuck do you think you are anyways?
  5. People are reckless about where they burst these crackers, lets take examples of a few place:
  • On roadsides (with moving traffic) and even on road dividers. Have you fools considered the implications of a stray spark hitting a vehicle or a passing human or animal?
  • Rooftops - WTF?!
  • Residential bldg's. Not everyone wants to hear loud sounds...thats not the idea of Diwali for everyone. But do we care a fuck?! No we'll burst them coz we like them.
Now lets consider some dire implications of your reckless attempts at fun:
  • Have you considered that there might be a heart patient in the vicinity who could have a stroke or worse case die due to the sounds?
  • I know not everyone is an animal lover, but you don't need to be one to show some basic considerations. Anyone that has ever had a pet in the family will know how distraught the animals get with these sounds. Now think about the condition the street animals are in because you and you family are "having fun".
I know people who've been in hospital due to others enjoying their Diwali with firecrackers and I also have pets who get absolutely distraught over these crackers.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against having fun folks. By all means, burst the silent crackers, have parties, meet family and friends. Learn to do something safely. Have you ever given a thought to who make these crackers for you? If not, go on research that. 

And if you have too much excess cash to spend during the season, go out and feed a few hungry people, its far more satisfying than bursting a bunch of crackers that does nothing but harm the environment.

If you still think that bursting loud, noisy and polluting crackers are justified, then seriously get your heads examined. 

Have a great new year!

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