Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Short Story

Eadweard Muybridge's phenakistoscope "A C...Image via Wikipedia a friend asked me to write a short little love story. I gave it a shot and here's what I came up with. Would love your comments on this one.....even if it is to criticize :D

We don’t pick who we fall in love with. Dave had never really agreed with this statement. If he were to be honest with himself, he didn’t really believe in the concept of love. And the very notion of love at first sight made his blood boil. He never understood how you could love someone that you didn’t know. After all isn’t love meant to be an understanding, an acceptance of a person as is? And then too, it didn’t matter coz love itself was alien to him.

That was until he laid eyes on her. She walked into the room and suddenly he couldn’t look anywhere else. She was beautiful no doubt, not in the classical sense nor in the modern, he thought to himself. She had a certain look about her though that made you want to look at her. His girl he got with him to the party was beginning to get clingy and he was already annoyed. So this little attraction he felt for this unknown girl seemed to get him on edge.

Lola, god did she hate her name sometimes, was very nervous about being at this party. This was the first time she had attended one of these huge events. She let her brother handle this part of their lives; he was more camera and people friendly. She liked to take a back seat and be the brains behind the operation. Him having an accident 2 days before this mega event had really put her in a spot.

As she walked into the room, she noticed this dark, unruly kind of man standing in the corner, with a really beautiful girl hanging off his arm. He was really handsome, but that was not what kept her wanting to look back at him time and again. There was this certain defiance in him, a certain look that said, “I’d rather be elsewhere” that appealed to her.

And was she imagining it, or was he looking at her too. She hoped not, because she knew that if there was one thing she was good at it was driving men like him running away in the opposite direction faster than she could blink.

Both tried ignoring each other as the evening wore on. They spoke to various people and never once crossed paths, but their eyes found each other every few minutes. It was as though they were taking courage from each other’s presence. Ridiculous I know, but that’s the thing about attraction, it happens when you least expect it.

Once the music and dancing began, Lola found a quiet corner and watched, wretchedly wishing she could leave. Suddenly she felt as though she wasn’t alone. Looking up she say him standing there, looking at her as though he wanted to kill her or kiss her, she couldn’t be sure which.

“Looks like we haven’t been introduced. I’m Dave” he said by way of breaking ice.

“I’m Lola” she replied with a small smile.

“Is there a reason you are sitting here all alone when you should be dancing” this time he was openly smiling.

Lola smiled back and said that she really wasn’t the dancing typed. To which he immediately asked her to a dance saying, “well then you haven’t danced with the right man”

Having no other choice but to place her hand in his, she let him lead her to the dance floor. There he slowly guided her steps, murmuring softly in her ears telling her what to do next. Slowly she began to relax and get into the swing of things. Before she knew it, they were laughing and talking, seemed like nothing and everything all at the same time.

When the music ended, she looked up into his eyes and smiled.

Is this the beginning of a new romance?

Ok go on and comment please.....and uhmmm no plagiarism lol
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